Last night on our way home from watching Oddsac at Miqueas's house, Allie and I ran out of gas. We came to the stop sign here and couldn't take off again. So i got out and told the cars behind us to go around and stuff then called home and told my mom the situation. She was pissed, as I expected. So after about 10 minutes of listening to NPR and telling people to go around my parents arrived with a gas can. But, when trying to start it up again, the car wouldn't start because the battery was dead. Lovely. We took Allie and my mom then went back with jumper cables. Just as we were getting back to the car, it was being towed. So we followed the tow truck to the impounding lot and they were closed so we had to come back today, jump it and pay $70.
Pretty unlucky, all in all, but I'm really not even that upset about it all. It's whatever.